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Does diabetes cause eye twitching ?

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  • Does diabetes cause eye twitching ?

    I have diabetes. And now and then i suffered from eye twitching. I just want to know if the eye twitching caused by diabetes? Or they have different causes?

  • #2
    No, your eye twitching may not be directly caused by diabetes, even though diabetes do have side effects on eyes. The side effects of diabetes on eyes include blurred vision, cataracts, retinopathy, and glaucoma. Mostly, diabetes damage vision from inside. However, twitching eyes is related to nerves and muscles on eyes. The causes of eye twitching include eye strain, dry eyes, eye fatigue, voluntary eye movement of muscles. Therefore, eye twitching and diabetes have different causes. Your eye twitching is not likely to be caused by diabetes.


    • #3
      Yes, your eye twitching may cause the eye twitching because of the easy coming bacterium which is invisible. At the same time, the unstable eye pressure will cause cause the eye infection which may indirectly cause the eye twitching. You could use some eye drops to moisture the eyes and make the eyes feel comfortable. The eye drops should be with anti-inflammation role.


      • #4
        Well, so sorry to hear that you are suffering from your diabetes, which might be really torturous. It is true that diabetes could result in a lot of symptoms all over your body, including eye problems. Thus, eye twitching is possible. However, eye twitching may also be derived from other problems such as fatigue, eye strain, infections, etc. That is complicated. My advice for you is to go through a medical checkup to figure out what to do next.

