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Can eye floaters come and go?

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  • Can eye floaters come and go?

    I get some eye floaters. Shall i go to see a doctor? Or the eye floaters are just come and go themselves?

  • #2
    There are two kinds of eye floaters. One is the natural result of aging. If you are over 40 and your eye floaters don't come suddenly, they may be benign ones. They won't affect your vision too much. However, eye floaters is also a symptom of serious eye diseases. In this case, the eye floaters are in large amount and curtain in your vision field.


    • #3
      As a matter of fact, many factors can lead to eye floaters, such as eye infections, inflammation, and injury to the eye. In most cases, eye floaters can heal on themselves. Only in rare cases, eye floaters become serious and you need consider proper treatment. In fact, with the increasing of ages, the number of eye floaters tends to increase. Sometimes eye floater may cast a subtle shadow over your vision, and it is really bothersome to see things. However, this tends to occur only in certain types of light. Here are some conditions that need to see a doctor. 1: Your condition has not improved, and seems to worsen. You had better seek professional advice. 2: If you feel your vision is greatly influenced by eye floaters, you can have the risk of loosing sight. 3: If your eye floaters appear after eye surgery or eye trauma, you need see a doctor. 4: If you feel pain in your eyes, you should see a doctor.


      • #4
        Cataract, laser surgery, diabetic retinopathy, eye injury or eye disease, which may cause inflammation like conjunctivitis, may result in eye floaters. In general, gel or cells clumping inside your eyes cause the eye floaters moving along with your pupils. As a result, in case of watching a white paper or a blue sky, you can see many little oddly shaped objects appearing in your vision. Well, only in certain types of light can benign eye floaters evolve into malignant disease. According to some evidences that has been ever found so far, the floaters will go away while occur some days or months later. So, you need to learn to live with eye floaters and ignore them. But, do not hesitate to see a doctor if you feels pain and discomfort, or even partial vision loss, especially after a eye surgery, so that you can avoid potentially permanent vision loss.

