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How to Adjust Rimless Eye glass Frame Temples?

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  • How to Adjust Rimless Eye glass Frame Temples?

    Yesterday, I broke my rimless glasses by accident. And now, the left temple is much higher than the right one. I've tried to adjusted it by myself but it didn't work. Any suggestions about how to adjust rimless glasses temples?

  • #2
    Before you start to adjust the temple, put your glasses on an even table. You should use one hand to hold the part of the left temple from which it begin to deform tightly, then use the other hand to hold the end of the left temple to adjust it at any angle until it reaches the shape of the right temple.


    • #3
      First, please take the rimless eyewear off the turn it over and let it sit on a table. By sitting the frameless glasses on the flat surface, you will see one higher temple and the other lower. Apply pressures evenly to the temples to make the higher lower and make the lower one higher. Then fasten the screws if they are loosened. Second, you can only apply moderate pressure on the temples and nose bridge, as rimless eyeglass is the most crispy kind. For rimless eyewear, all the strength and joining depends on the lenses, while lenses are just two pieces of special resin. Too much of force used on the lenses will break the whole rimless eye glasses.


      • #4
        First, place your rimless glasses frame on a level surface. Then use one hand hold the place near the corner where the frame meets the arm and use the other hand to bend the frame slightly downward or upward. Be sure to apply enough pressure on the temple directly.

