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Why do my eyes get red after wearing contact lenses for the first time?

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  • Why do my eyes get red after wearing contact lenses for the first time?

    It is the first time I wear my contact lenses. After taking off my contacts, I found that my eyes are red and burning. Can you tell me why my eyes get red after wearing contact lenses?

  • #2
    Dear friend, this is the first time you wear contacts, so I suggest you to wear them for just few hours in the first day. You can increase the hours day by day until you adapt to the contacts. But we usually wear contacts less than 8 hours in a day. Usually our eyes will become dry and itchy after wearing contacts for a long time. You can apply some artificial tears to lubricate your eyes at this time. Hope this helped!


    • #3
      I am a current contact user. I often get dry eyes after wearing contacts. Now I usually wear contacts for 5 days in a week. I will take off my contacts after work. And I often apply some artificial tears to moisten my eyes during the work hours. I often take a break every half an hour and close my eyes for a rest. This can protect my eyes and prevent from eye strain.


      • #4
        Dear friend, many roles can play a factor in your red and burning eyes. First, if you got an eye infection when you wear your contacts, you may have red and burning eyes. You must wash your hands carefully with soaps before wearing your contacts next time and see an eye doctor to treat with your infections immediately. You may need to stop wearing your contacts until all the symptoms go away. Second, if your contacts are too tight or too loose to your eyes, you may get red eyes from abrasion between your eyes and the contacts. You may need to ask the optician to find a pair of contacts which is suitable for you. Good luck!


        • #5
          I think the allergens may cause your red and burning eyes. If you are allergic to something such as dust, pollens or lens solutions, you may have red and burning eyes when you come across those allergens. I suggest you to see an eye doctor first, if he or she told you that you have allergy eyes, you may need to avoid those allergens in future. And I think using computer for a long time may lead to red and burning eyes too. You can apply a piece of ice on your closed eyes for few minutes to calm down your irritated eyes. Hope this helped!


          • #6
            Dear friend, I think you'd better take off your contacts and find out the causes of your red and burning eyes. Do you sleep in contacts? I heard that sleeping in contacts will cause red and burning eyes. If there is an inflammation in your eyes, you can take flaxseed oil and omega 3 fish oil every day. It is said that flaxseed oil and omega 3 fish oil can help produce better tears and reduce inflammation. You can have a try.


            • #7
              I think your lens solution may burn your eyes and cause redness. You can use this kind of solutions which is Clear Care. Though it is a little expensive than other solutions while it will not cause red and burning eyes. I also use this kind of solutions. Good luck!

