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Is it bad to put two contacts in one case?

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  • Is it bad to put two contacts in one case?

    I just lost one of my contacts cases. So can I put my two contact lenses in one case?

  • #2
    It is not very bad if you both eyes are health and no infection and eye diseases. But it is not a good idea to put two contact lenses in one cases. They shall be put separately. If you put them together, you are likely to mix up the contact lenses. If you wear wrong contact lenses in each eye, you may get blurred vision even cause eye pain. If you have infection in one eyes, it will spread to your other eye if you put contact lenses together. So, just keep the each contact lens separately for the sake of your eye health.


    • #3
      It is bad to put two contacts in one case. If you put two contacts in one case, the amount of bacteria will double while the amount of clean agents of the solution in the case does not change. So it is hard for the contacts to be disinfected completely. If you wear them after this, the health of your eyes may be threatened by the bacteria. Putting the two contacts in one case may mix them up and you will end up with wearing the lenses wrongly. This will make your vision blurred. In some cases, the two contacts will stick to each other tightly. If separated by force, the lenses will be torn apart. Sometimes, the bacteria or viruses that lead to eye infection on one lens will be passed to the other if you store them in the same case, and thus make both eyes infected. Above all, you should not do that.


      • #4
        No, it is not good for the contact lenses to be put in one case. This is because that the two contact lenses will get rubbed with each other, and usually they will stick to each other, making it difficult to be seperated when you want to wear them. Taking them apart will also cause some friction on the surface of the contact lenses, which will make their prescription incorrect. When you are wearing the contact lenses, you may not see clearly. Therefore, you had better not keep both of your contact lenses in one case. If you have to, you should make sure the care solution in the case is adequate to submerge the two contact lenses so as to reduce the odds of their sticking together to the least.

